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Chibana Church of Christ is a warm, caring congregation of the Lord’s people. We use the Bible as our sole guide and work to make disciples every day. 


Bible study should not be boring!

Bible study is a fascinating and fun activity when done well. Doing it well means the preparation effort must be wide and deep, presentation/instruction must be engaging, enjoyable, and interactive, and material must be new. No one wants to be stuck sitting through another dull class. This is one reason why many modern people don’t value church. On the other hand, when the church provides value, people begin to consider church valuable. It’s a two-way street. Believe me, there are plenty of treasures to be unearthed in the pages of every book that will promote value.

Introduction to the Book of Acts

The Chibana Church of Christ’s Sunday Morning Adult Class began a study of the Book of Acts on 14 January 2024.

The study began with:

  • A timeline detailing the dates of the writing of the books of the New Testament.
  • The association of the book with the Gospel of Luke.
  • The identity/anonymity of Luke-Acts’s author.
  • Who Theophilus may have been.
  • A brief mention of the Early Church Fathers, especially Iraneaus, and how the book received its name.
  • Identifying the theological dilemma that the author is attempting to resolve: how the Messiah of the Jews came to have an overwhelmingly non-Jewish church

After discussing these things, the study entered Chapter 1 briefly during which the class discussed Hebraic symbolism behind the number 40, examples of the scriptures’ use of that number, the difference between Passover and Pentecost, the number of days between the two feasts, and the Greek meaning of “Pentecost” itself. Progressive study will involve moving through the entire book verse-by-verse, uncovering fascinating details and learning such knowledge as most studies do not produce. The study will take several months to complete.



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Thursday, June 27, 2024

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”(Daily Reading, ESV)